L1 Municipality of Lampedusa & Linosa (IT) |
The Desert-Adapt project aims at creating 4 different systems in Lampedusa:
Note: there is no nursery in Lampedusa and the introduction of new plants is forbidden. All species must be produced from native species already present on the island. The Municipality has entrusted the task to an external nursery. Below, numbers of functions and measures correspond to the list reported in the DAM methodology, defining the operative DAM plan http://www.desert-adapt.it/index.php/en/case-studies/dam-methodology
Aromatics (SYSTEM 2 AND 3) [1] |
Aromatics will be planted in all the project areas, for commercial purposes only in agroforestry and food forest systems. The municipality would contract out and/or entrust to a local cooperative for the marketing. |
Fruits + pasture improvement (SYSTEM 2) [7 and 20] |
The agro-silvopastoral system (SYSTEM 2) will be created increasing the amount of edible plants for animal (grasses and legumes). Native carob and mastic trees will be planted, as well as capper shrubs. |
Fruits + nuts + aromatics (SYSTEM 3) [1, 7, 15] |
Carob, wild olive, myrtle, mastic, juniper and thyme will be planted in mixed planting grids. In addition, cocoons have been taken in place to test their feasibility as growing aids in drought conditions, All local varieties will be selected. Shrubs and fruits trees will be mainly sold to a local marked. The municipality will have to contract out and/or entrust for both management and marketing. |
Compost [100] |
Municipality has already contracted out to a local company the production of compost. The idea is to produce compost using municipal pruning materials to applying in several plots of systems 1, 2 and 3 in order to improve soil properties. The compost won’t be sold. |
Bee keeping rights [22] |
There are few beekeeping experiences in Lampedusa. Project aims to better organized them and improve the whole sector, introducing new beehives in different site inside and/or outside the nature reserve. A social local cooperative will be involved in the management and marketing through entrustment/contract. |
Hiking trails [27] |
Creating “thematic routes” (nature, history, geology) connecting existing routes to Life project areas. Entrusted management. |
Photo hunting [29] |
There are already some observation points useful for photo hunting. The idea is the creation of new observation points in the project areas. |
Test Area [32] |
In this area, the natural regeneration processes, i.e. thinning out of pines and subsequent planting of local varieties of plants, will be deeply tested. The mycorrhizae use will be evaluated too. |
Study and guided tours [35] |
More groups and tourist could be attracted in ‘low’ season because this is the best season for nature tourist. The idea is to create a guided tour of project areas. Entrusted management. |
Erosion control+ pasture improvement (SYSTEM 1) [37 and 20] |
The area will be first fenced to avoid grazing by goats and sheeps, and after sown with a mix of soil improving grasses (Medicago, Trifolium) and legumes (Lotus, Melilotus) Subsequently compost, wood chips brushwood will be used to cover soil and protect planted plants (Juniperus turbinata, Tamarix africana, Thymelea hirsuta, Teucrium fruticans, Chiliadenus lopadusanum) and those in natural regeneration. |
Animal Feeding places [38] |
Several project areas will represent a food place for bird: trees and shrubs will be selected to make more attractive the sites. | ||||
Wildlife protection [39] |
Project will build one temporary pond (rainwater harvesting). Furthermore juniper and tamarisk will be planted around them for shadow. | ||||
Insect and bird shelter [40] |
Bird and bat houses, as well as insect hotels were installed. | ||||
Reaching climax vegetation (System 4) [41] |
Project aims at reaching and/or improving the will imitate the climax vegetation in the nature reserve of Lampedusa. This is also the site where water ponds, for birds and small mammals, will be constructed. The focus is on biodiversity. Climax vegetation is composed of following associations: Oleo sylvestris-Pistacietum lentisci / Periploco angustifoliae-Juniperetum turbinatae / Periploco angustifoliae-Euphorbietum dendroidis. All local varieties will be selected. In the valleys that are characterized by a more humid microclimate and less wind influence, trees dominate (50% of area). The following plants will be planted: myrtus communis, Arbutus unedo, Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Phillyrea latifolia, Pinus halepensis Coronilla valentina subsp. Glauca, Prasium majus, Rubia peregrina subsp. Longifolia, Rubus ulmifolius Schott, Smilax aspera, Clematis cirrhosa. The dry exposed areas, strongly influenced by wind, will be dominated by shrubs (50% of area). The following plant will be planted: Juniperus turbinata, Pistacia lentiscus, Periploca angustifolia, Lycium intricatum, and Asparagus acutifolius. |
Landscape Restoration [45] |
Existing stone walls will be repaired in Fruits + pasture improvement (SYSTEM 2). | ||||
Biodiversity promoting plants [46] |
Plant planted in several areas will be selected focusing on biodiversity promotion. | ||||
Create employment
[47] |
See entrusted management of several economic functions and ecoservices | ||||
Work with disabled people [48] |
Working with a care center for mentally disabled already present on the island. Entrusted management to a social cooperative. |
Provide social services [49] |
Working with schools. | ||||
N. | Name | Comments | |||
1 | Seed collecting & native species |
All spontaneous plants from Lampedusa must be produced with seeds collected in situ. Priority to local varieties if available. |
3 | Existing vegetation protection |
All native vegetation will remain intact. Pines pruning and exotic trees will be used as mulching or chips. |
4 | Mycorrhizae & plants |
Plants inoculation with mycorrhizae is foreseen in test areas. |
9 | Half-moons |
They will be built on slopes in the System 4. |
10 | Soil ripping |
Done only when necessary in conjunction with ridge and furrows. |
11 | Conservation tillage |
Everywhere no tillage, just superficial tillage or cutting. |
12 | Ridge and furrows |
Done only when necessary in conjunction with soil ripping. |
14 | Organic fertilizer |
Only fertilizers allowed in biological protocol and produced in Sicily, as well as local compost and manure (sheeps and goats). |
15 | Pasture improvement |
A mix of soil improving grasses (Medicago, Trifolium) and legumes (Lotus, Melilotus) is applied in Systems 1 and 2. |
16 | Legumes | ||||
19 | Nurse shrubs |
Periploca angustifolia will be used as nurse shrubs. |
21 | Plant hole digging |
Selective digging of holes to avoid large-scale soil disturbance. |
22 | Interplanting |
Iterplanting in existing vegetation improves biodiversity, ecosystem resilience, protects seedlings, prevents soil erosion. |
23 | Planting in mixes |
Cocoons and controls were planted following this AM in System 3. |
24 | Regular planting |
Planting in rows, patched or blocks thinking what fits best the local circumstances |
25 | Natural fences |
Lycium intricatum and Periploca angustifolia will be used as multi-purpose natural fence. |
26 | Plant support Water aids study |
More 160 cocoons were tested. The plan is to compare them to local mulching (pine and acacia leaves obtained in situ), biodegradable juta discs and local chips. |
27 | Watering/Drip irrigation |
Manual emergency watering only, no irrigation system. |
29 | Plant assist |
Cocoons, mulching with pine leaves/small branches, juta discs, chips, canna shelters, possibly residuals of pruning and firebreak cleanings. |
30 | Fence installation |
Systems 1 and 2 will be fenced to avoid grazing by sheep and goats. |
31 | Grafting trees |
Grafting only in the nursery using ancient and rustic local varieties. |
32 | Diseased trees |
First an analysis of potential death causes. If diseases, seedlings/plants are removed then buried, crushed or burned. |
33 | Weed control |
Only manually cutting, no chemicals and weeding. |
34 | IPM plague control |
Developing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM), to carry out insect & plague control on ecofriendly way. Providing shelter/host plants for predator insects. |
35 | Pruning |
Stacking the prunings in rows to collect water and improve biodiversity. Prunings will be used as mulching, windbreaks or chipped, and for compost production. |
37 | Livestock Grazing |
Not implemented yet but is foreseen |
38 | Ecoservices |
Identify and valorize all the natural services that can create added value. |
42 | Biofuels |
When available will be used. |
43 | Planting on ridges | ||||
44 | Firewood 10% rule |
10% of the dead wood is left on the site, perhaps some will be chipped. |
45 | Natural regeneration |
Protecting Natural Regeneration by small plant protectors or fences. |
49 | Pruning fruit trees |
It is done using appropriate schemes that do no stress trees. |
51 | Planting material |
There is no nursery in Lampedusa and the introduction of new plants is forbidden. All species must be produced from native species already present on the island. The Municipality has entrusted the task to an external nursery. |
52 | Root protection |
No machine or soil work around each tree. |
Numbers of functions and measures correspond to the list reported in the DAM methodology, defining the operative DAM plan http://www.desert-adapt.it/index.php/en/case-studies/dam-methodology
Testing plant growth aid techniques to support seedlings establishment and growth [Adaptation Measures: plant support & water aid 26 - plant protectors 28 - plant assist 29] In Lampedusa plant supports that improve the seedling survival rates in the first years after planting under harsh environmental conditions, were tested, as part of the project objectives and in collaboration with the LIFE project the GreenLink. The techniques are supposed also to reduce the need to intervene with emergency irrigation in the hottest periods, thus reducing the logistic complexity of managing extended planting and reforestation activities. The plant water aid “Cocoon” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sll6IO65vPg) was tested and compared with nature-based solutions relying on material present in the study area like wood chips, rocks and small branches of shrubs and trees. Pictures from 1 to 12 show the cocoon set up. The biodegradable material (i.e. cellulose) of the cocoon is filled with water (pict. 5-6), which is slowly release through seepage. The cocoon is then capped (pict. 7-8), with the seedling protected with a cylindrical shelter (pict. 9-10), and covered with soil (pict. 11-12). In the same area others seedling were tested using chips and rocks to reduce weed competition and evaporation, while a nest of pine and acacia branches was created to accommodate the seedling protecting it from wind, excess light and reducing water loss by evapotranspiration [seedling before, pict. 13, and after mulching, pict. 14]. The two techniques were tested on replicates in the same areas (pict. 15). Periodically, the team of University of Palermo monitored the seedling growth and the cocoon performance as well as the need for extra water (pict.16-18). The activity is ongoing (pict. 19-20). |