MediNet LIFE15 PRE/IT/000001 Mediterranean network for Reporting Emissions and Removals in cropland and Grassland. |
The Green Link LIFE15 CCA/ES/125 Restore desertified areas with an innovative tree growing method across the mediterranean border to increase resilience. |
ENEA Laboratory for Observations and Analyses of the Earth and Climate (SSPT-PROTER-OAC) Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
ENEA is collaborating with Desert-Adapt by providing meteorological data on Lampedusa. |
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LIFE AGRI ADAPT LIFE15 CCA/DE/000072 Sustainable adaptation of typical EU farming systems to climate change |
LIFE OLIVE4CLIMATE LIFE15 CCM/IT/000141 Climate Chnage Mitigation Through a Sustainable Supply Chain for the Olive Oil Sector
MOSAICO EXTREMADURA PROJECT Design a participatory fire prevention strategy based on agricultural, livestock and forestry activities that gradually recover a diverse landscape, inhabited and with less risk: a landscape in mosaic. |
LIFE CLIVUT: CLIMATE VALUE OF URBAN TREES LIFE18 GIC/IT/001217 CLIVUT is a European Project aimed to develop and implement the Urban Climate Green Asset Strategy in medium-size Mediterranean cities based on the shared planning and management of the urban green and natural spaces by urban planners and citizens. |
SU-EATABLE LIFE LIFE16 GIC/IT/000038 The project aims to engage EU citizens to adopt a sustainable and healthy diet, that results in reduced carbon and water footprints, through the implementation of a series of activities in university and company canteens. The long-term objective is to contribute to a substantial reduction in CO2 eq emissions and water saving in EU via citizen education and active engagement. |
ProVeg International ProVeg International is a food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040. |
SmartCloudFarming The company seeks to empower agricultural companies worldwide with soil intelligence |
LIFE LiveAdapt LIFE17 CCA-ES-000035 The project aims to dentify and assess solutions for the adaptation to climate change of extensive livestock production models in southern Europe. |
New Life 4 Drylands LIFE20 PRE/IT/000007 The project aims to provide, by using Remote Sensing techniques, a framework and a protocol for identifying sustainable solutions that could be successfully implemented in degraded lands and define mid- and long-term monitoring of interventions in desertified lands, to better evaluate restoration effectiveness and improve sustainable soil management. |
SUSTAINadapt The project aims to develop innovative tools to support the implementation of sustainable development policies integrated with adaptation to climate change. |
Life REWATLIFE14 ENV/IT/001290 The project aims at implementing a number of demonstration measures for the sustainable management of water resources of the lower Cornia valley for a sustainable water management. |
LIFE NIEBLASLIFE19 CCM/ES/001199The project aims to test innovative fog collectors and innovative ways of reforestation in degraded areas and prove their effectiveness, costs and benefits. |
LIFE C-farms: Carbon farming certification schemesLIFE20 PRE IT/017 The project supports the design and implementation of targeted payments for the application of Carbon Farming practices through the development of a regulatory framework for a carbon certification system in collaboration with relevant actors and institutions. |
GREAT LIFE LIFE17 CCA/IT/000067 The project goal is to experiment with new resilient crops in order to reduce climate change impact on agricultural activities in the Po Valley, as well as in Italy as a whole, thereby helping to sustain farmers’ income, reducing water consumption and producing quality foods for the final market. |
LIFE ADA: ADaptation in Agriculture LIFE19 CCA/IT/001257 The project goal is to provide practical support to the agricultural sector and strengthen farmers’ skills to face and endure climate change. |
LIFE AGRESTIC: Reduction of Agricultural GReenhouse gases EmiSsions Through Innovative Cropping systems LIFE17 CCM/IT/000062 The LIFE AGRESTIC project aims to foster the adoption by EU farmers of innovative and efficient cropping systems that have a high potential for climate change mitigation. |
LIFE EFFIGE: Environmental Footprint For Improving and Growing Eco-efficiency LIFE16 ENV/IT/000172 The project aimed to improve the environmental performances of organisations in four major supply chains through the implementation of the EU Product Environmental Footprint. |
LIFE FOSTER: Training, education and communication to reduce food waste in the food service industry LIFE17 GIE/IT/000579 The project aims to reduce food waste in the food service industry by focusing on three main areas: training and education, prevention and communication. |
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LIFE agriCOlture: Livestock farming against climate change problems posed by soil degradation in the Emilian Apennines LIFE18/CCM/IT/001093 The project aims to introduce actions and sustainable soil management techniques in agro-environmental systems to protecting soil organic carbon in mountainous areas of the Emilian Apennines, which are prone to soil degradation. |
LIFE Forage4Climate: Forage Systems For Less Ghg Emission And More Soil Carbon Sink In Continental And Mediterranean Agricultural Areas LIFE15/CCM/IT/000039 The aim of the project is to show how agricultural systems connected to milk production can positively impact the mitigation of the climate through: the use of good practice. |
LIFE Agromitiga: Development of climate change mitigation strategies through carbon-smart agriculture LIFE17 CCM/ES/000140 The project aims to promote a low-carbon agricultural system aimed at enhancing the mitigative capacity of soil as a carbon sink. |
LIFE AGROGESTOR LIFE16 ENV/ES/287 Collective management of crops at the service of environmental programs related to the use and quality of water |
LIFE POREM: Poultry manure based bioactivator for better soil management through bioremediation LIFE17 ENV/IT/000333 The project would address both issues by showing how treated poultry manure can restore the organic matter content of soils on semi-arid and over-exploited land. |
Common methodology for the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans in European municipalities |
Climate Change adaptation of dryland agricultural systems in the Mediterranean area |
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Employing land stewardship to transform terraced landscapes into green infrastructures to better adapt to climate change. |
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Pastures vulnerability and adaptation strategies to climate change impacts in the Alps |
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LIFE Veneto ADAPT (LIFE16 CCA/IT/000090)
Central VENETO Cities netWorking for ADAPTation to Climate Change in a multi-level regional perspective |
LIFE Soil Protection (LIFE08 ENV/IT/000428) Useful resources: "Manuale di buone pratiche contro i processi di degrado del suolo" (25.7 MB) (download from website) |
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United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) |
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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) |
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |