1) Collection of background information   

Collection of background information useful to set the baseline understanding of the local situation. Information gained during this phase provides the basis for early conceptualization of the problems being assessed and the statement of the main criticalities affecting the property.

Types of information to be collected: 

  1. Legislation limitations to land use and management
  2. Land titles and maps of land use, land cover, soil, hydrology
  3. Information of soil characteristics
  4. List of allowed plant/animal species, endangered species, alien species
  5. List of local plant species or local races traditionally used in the area
  6. Climatic trends of the last 30 years
  7. Local and regional most profitable markets of products of interest
  8. Regional data of carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil 
  9.  Stakeholders and groups of interest in the area
  10. Potential known risks in the area