ITALY -  contribution to policy actions

Rapporto sugli indicatori di impatto dei cambiamenti climatici. Edizione 2021

Report on indicators of the impact of climate change. 2021 Edition (Italy, June 30th, 2021)

The Desert-Adapt project has been included as an example of good practices implemented locally in Italy for the sectors of interest of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the "SNPA Report (National System for the Protection of the Environment") on impact indicators of climate change ".

The Report (Report SNPA n. 21/2021 – ISBN: 978-88-448-1058-0) is the final product of the SNPA V / 03-02 Operating Subgroup called Climate Change Impact Indicators created as part of the activities of the Italian National System for Environmental Protection. The main objective of the Report was to identify, systematize and populate for the first time in Italy the indicators available at national and regional level within the SNPA concerning the possible impacts of climate change on natural resources and socio-economic sectors. of our country.

The knowledge framework was completed with a selection of good practices to provide some examples of how the indicators were translated into measures implemented at local level to cope with the effects of climate change.


To read more and download the report go to



Contribution to the Audition of “European Court of Auditors on Desertification Risk”

In 2018, the European Court of Auditors visited five EU Member States affected by desertification: Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Portugal and Romania, and examined whether the risk of desertification in the EU was being effectively and efficiently addressed. The output of the Court investigation is published in the Special Report No 33/2018 "Combating desertification in the EU: a growing threat in need of more action".

On 22-23 January 2018, LIFE Desert-Adapt (prof.ssa S. Castaldi, SUN) was invited to the meeting with Auditors of the European Court, by the Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (MATTM), Direzione Generale per la Salvaguardia del Territorio e delle Acque, to present the ongoing initiatives to fight desertification risk and introduce good practices, together with other national experts from research centres and universities. 

The full output report is available at

Contribution to the revision of “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) into the implementation of the UNCCD and Land Degradation Neutrality”

Technical final document available at:

LIFE Desert-Adapt support to the regional law on agroecology in Sicily

LIFE Desert-Adapt gave its support to promote the DDL 533 that became a law in 2021. The law on Agroecology (Legge Regionale Sicilia del 29 luglio 2021, n.21 Territorio e autonomie locali. Disposizioni in materia di agroecologia, di tutela della biodiversità e dei prodotti agricoli siciliani e di innovazione tecnologica in agricoltura) was promulgated on July 2021 after a long iter. 

LIFE Desert-Adapt contribution to a new law proposal to combat desertification in the Sicilian Region

Desert-Adapt UNIPA team collaborated and supported the preparation of a regional law proposal to combat desertification presented by Valentina Palmeri (Member of the Regional Parliament of Sicily). “ASSEMBLEA REGIONALE SICILIANA DISEGNO DI LEGGE presentato dai deputati: Palmeri, Fava, Foti, Dipasquale, Lupo, Trizzino Disposizioni per il contrasto della desertificazione in Sicilia” 

The Sicily Convention to Combat Desertification

The Project LIFE Desert-Adapt participated to the creation of the CONSULTA PER LA LOTTA ALLA DESERTIFICAZIONE IN SICILIA (Sicily Convention to Combat desertification). The Convention is a participatory system that brings together scholars, operators, institutions, universities and citizens to work in synergy by implementing actions to combat desertification and adapt to climate change. The Chart was  signed on 26th of September 2019 in Palermo

SPAIN -  contribution to policy actions

Contributions to an adapted regulatory framework for mosaic landscapes and fire risk regulation

Desert-Adapt implementations is strongly based on the adoption of a mosaic-like landscape structure, which prevents desertification while reducing fire risk and creating new sources of income. However, in Spain mosaic landscapes lack a specific regulatory framework, and are difficult to implement/recover because regulations in forestland preclude traditional farming and grazing.

Traditional, low-input olive groves as “islands” in a burned landscape

UNEX has represented Desert-Adapt to the permanent table of discussion with policymakers in collaboration with the Regional Spanish project Mosaico (Networking) and D. Pedro Muñoz Barco, Director General de Política Forestal de la Junta de Extremadura

Contributions to an adapted regulatory framework:

PORTUGAL -  contribution to policy actions

 Contribution of the Desert-Adapt project to National and Regional initiatives on desertification
  • ADPM participates and collaborates in various working and sharing forums on desertification, soil degradation and carbon neutrality, where it has presented the LIFE Desert-Adapt project and its actions, and hopes to capitalise on the results achieved in terms of carbon neutrality in future initiatives that may arise
  • Member of Regional Centre to Combat Desertification (NRCD)
  • Member of the Excelence Centre for Combating Desertification (CCDesert)
  • Member of the Co-management Committee of the Guadiana Valley Natural Park
  • Participation in the SWOT analysis of the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification (PANCD) on 11 January 2023
  • Participation on 19 July 2022 in the Webinar organised by the National Institute for the Conservation of Forests, entitled 2nd Thematic Debate - Neutrality of land degradation (target 15.3 of goal 15 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).
  • Participation in the Living labs of the Europe Horizon soil mission being implemented in Portugal under the NATI00NS project ( in collaboration with the National Innovation Agency, the Centre's Regional Coordination and Development Commission and the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and in the AGRI-DEM_Solo Network of demonstration farms in innovation and good soil management practices, promoted by the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and the National Rural Network
  • Participation in the Guadiana Valley Local Support Structure for Zonal Support of an agri-environmental nature, within the scope of Natura Network Payments. In this context, the adaptation measures of the LIFE Desert-Adapt project have been publicised, with the aim of contributing to the conservation of the steppe species that are the target of this support, while promoting actions that contribute to carbon neutrality
  • Participation in the Local Support Office for the Management of the Montado by Results Programme in the Guadiana Valley, where the adaptation measures implemented in the LIFE Deseert-Adapt project have been disseminated
  • 16 June 2023, ADPM received a visit from four members of the planning and territorial strategy division of the Alentejo Region Development Coordination Commission (CCDR Alentejo), who presented the LIFE Desert-Adapt project and made a field visit to the SAVM pilot area

WORKSHOPS CYCLE on Desertification and public policies in the Baixo Alentejo: local responses to a global problem, was organised by ADPM in collaboration with Municipal council of Serpa and national partners