- Assessing Soil Erosion Susceptibility for Past and Future Scenarios in Semiarid Mediterranean Agroecosystems
Busico G., Grilli E., Carvalho S.C.P., Mastrocicco M., Castaldi S.
Sustainability 2023, 15 (17), 12992
- Microbial, physical and chemical indicators together reveal soil health changes related to land cover types in the southern European sites under desertification
Rutigliano F.A., Marzaioli R., Grilli E., Coppola E., Castaldi S.
Pedobiologia 2023, 99–100, 150894
- Soil microbial biomass and bacterial diversity in southern European regions vulnerable to desertification
Catania V., Bueno R.S., Alduina R., Grilli E., La Mantia T., Castaldi S., Quatrini P.
Ecological Indicators 2022, 145, 109725
- Critical range of soil organic carbon in southern Europe lands under desertification risk
Grilli E., Carvalho S.C.P, Chiti T., Coppola E., D'Ascoli R., La Mantia T, Marzaioli R., Mastrocicco M., Pulido F., Rutigliano F.A., Quatrini P., Castaldi S.
Journal of Environmental Management 2021, 287, 112285
Desert-Adapt presentations at International Conferences
- Hafiz Khuzama Ishaq, Eleonora Grilli, Micol Mastrocicco, Rossana Marzaioli, Joao Madeira, Simona Castaldi. Enhancing soil quality and mitigating desertification risks: A case study on sustainable land management practices in southern Portugal. Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23), Instanbul, Turkey, 26 - 30 November 2023.
- Castaldi Simona. Adaptation measures in Mediterranean agroforestry systems under risk of
desertification: the experienceDesert-Adapt. GID - CIHEAM - Parmenides X Conference, Chania – Greece, October 24, 25 and 26, 2023.
- Grilli E., Malrieu I., Ishaq H. K., Mastrocicco M., D’Ascoli R., Coppola E., Castaldi S. “Comparing the amelioration capacity of tillage vs no tillage measures on soil quality in a semi-arid prickly pear crop of Southern Italy”. BONARES 2023. Soil as sustainable resource. 15 – 17 May 2023, Berlin, Germany. Poster.
- Castaldi S., Grilli E., Ishaq H. K., Malrieu I., Rutigliano F. A., Mastrocicco M., Busico G., Marzaioli R., Coppola E., Pulido F., Silva F., Madeira J. “Sustainable land management in degraded pastures of Southern Portugal”. BONARES 2023. Soil as sustainable resource. 15 – 17 May 2023, Berlin, Germany. Poster.
- Grilli E., Malrieu I., Ishaq H.K., , D’Ascoli R., Coppola E., Battipaglia G., Altieri S., Castaldi S. “Effect of land management on incorporation of prickly pear crop residues in different soil organic matter fractions of a Sicilian soil under desertification risk”. EGU General Assembly 2023, | 23–28 April 2023. Vienna, Austria. Poster.
- Ishaq H.K., Grilli E., Malrieu I., Rutigliano F. A., Mastrocicco M., Marzaioli R., Coppola E., Pulido F., Silva F., Bijl M., Madeira J., Castaldi S. “Adaptive land management to fight land degradation in Mediterranean agroforestry pastoral areas”. EGU General Assembly 2023, | 23–28 April 2023. Vienna, Austria. Poster.
- Da Silveira Bueno R., La Mantia T., Quatrini P., Castaldi S. “Ecological restoration in areas under desertification: experiences from the LIFE Desert Adapt project”. 3th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (5 – 8/09/2022), Alicante, Spain. Poster.
- Castaldi S., Bijl M., Da Silveira Bueno R., Coppola E., Grilli E., La Mantia T., Mastrocicco M., Pulido F., Quatrini P., Rutigliano F.A., Silva F. “Evaluation of benefits and limitation of a Desertification Adaptation Model framework of sustainable land management for area under desertification risk”. International symposium on climate-resilient agri-environmental systems, ISCRAES (28 – 31/08 2022) Dublin, Ireland. Oral presentation.
- Da Silveira Bueno R., Badalamenti E., Sala G., Russo M., La Mantia T. “Increasing tree survival to facilitate the conversion of conventional systems to agroforestry systems using plant growing aids and plant-plant facilitation under climate change”. 6th European Agroforestry Conference17 – 19/05 2022, Nuoro, Italy Nuoro, Italy. Oral presentation.
- Catania V., Alduina R., Da Silveira Bueno R., La Mantia T., Castaldi S., Grilli E., Quatrini P. “Including the soil microbiota in the quality evaluation of soils vulnerable to desertification”. 1st International Joint Congress ESSC-EURECYS on “Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal”, Santo Stefano di Camastra – Italy, 10-14 November 2021. Oral presentation.
- Da Silveira Bueno R., Quatrini P., Pulido F., Castaldi S., La Mantia T. “Sustainable Land Management Systems to Prevent and Adapt To Desertification: Case Studies From The Life Desert-Adapt Project”. 1st International Joint Congress ESSC-EURECYS on “Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal”, Santo Stefano di Camastra – Italy, 10-14 November 2021. Oral presentation.
- La Mantia T., Russo M., Quatrini P., Da Silveira Bueno R. “The transformation of agricultural systems into agro-forestry systems as a system of adaptation to climate and economic changes: some Sicilian case studies”. 5th European Agroforestry Conference (online) May, 17-19 2021. Oral presentation.
- Catania V., Da Silveira Bueno R., La Mantia T., Alduina R., Castaldi S., Grilli E., Quatrini P. “Land use effects on bacterial diversity in Mediterranean soils vulnerable to desertification”. 6th International Conference on Microbial Diversity, Torino, 14-15 dicembre 2021. Flash oral presentation.
- Mastrocicco M., Grilli E., Castaldi S. “Innovative and sustainable solutions for agro-food systems: desertadapt and multifoot projects. International Scientific Meeting”. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region - science and practice in the service of agriculture. Belgrade, National Bank of Serbia December, 12-13th 2019. Oral presentation.
- Lo Verde G., Cusimano C., La Mantia T., Da Silveira Bueno R., Quatrini P. “Arthropod diversity in soils vulnerable to desertification “. 9th ESSC (European Society for Soil Conservation) International Congress on the 26 – 28 September, 2019, Agricultural University of Tirana. Tirana, Albania. Poster.
- Quatrini P., Catania V., Alduina R., Da Silveira Bueno R., Milazzo M., Castaldi S., Grilli E. “Bacterial diversity in soils vulnerable to desertification”. 5th International Conference on Microbial Diversity Catania Sept 25-27, 2019. Oral presentation.
- Grilli E., Coppola E., La Mantia T., Mastrocicco M., Pulido F., Rutigliano F.A., Quatrini P., Castaldi S. “Soil quality characterization of Mediterranean areas under desertification risk for the implementation of management schemes aimed at Land Degradation Neutrality”. TERRAenVISION 2019, Working towards the sustainable development goals. 2-7 September, Barcelona, Spain. Oral presentation.
- Castaldi S., Bijl M. , Alduina R., Bastidas M., Da Silveira Bueno R., Catania V., Coppola E., Grilli E., Herguido E., La Mantia T., Lo Verde G., Mastrocicco M., Miranda J., Pulido F., Pérez-Izquierdo C., Quatrini P., Rutigliano F.A. “Adapting agroforestry to future climate scenarios: The LIFE project Desert-Adapt”. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, 19-22 May 2019. Montpellier: CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry. Poster.
- Da Silveira Bueno R., Cangarato R., Cusimano C., La Mantia T., Lo Duca R., Lo Verde G., Massa B., Pulido F. “Bird abundance and richness in ten Mediterranean agroforestry systems”. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, 19-22 May 2019. Montpellier: CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry. Poster.
- Carvalho S. “Climate Change in the Regional Context”. Introductory workshop – Pioneers into Practice, Climate-KIC, 18th May 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
Desert-Adapt presentations at National Conferences |
- Paola Quatrini, Rafael Da Silveira Bueno, Monica Auteri, Eleonora Grilli, Tommaso La Mantia,
Simona Castaldi and Valentina Catania. Beneficial symbiosis against desertification in Southern Europe: monitoring the mycorrhizal status of key plant species of semiarid agroecosystems. XXXIV SIMGBM CONGRESS - MICROBIOLOGY 2023, Cagliari, 21-24 September 2023.
- Castaldi S., Grilli E., D’ascoli R., Ishaq H.M., Marzaioli R., Mastrocicco M., Rutigliano F.A., Bijl M., Pulido Diaz F.J., Silva F., Machados C., Roxo M. Adaptive strategies of land management to recover ecosystem services and valorize natural capital in Mediterranean areas under desertification risk. XXXII Congresso SItE, 6-8 September 2023, Catania.
- Da Silveira Bueno R., Fara Palazzolo L., Quatrini P., La Mantia T. “The use of growing aids to promote the restoration and renaturalization of areas under desertification: experiences from the LIFE Desert Adapt project”. XIII Congress of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (30/05 – 02/06), Orvieto, Italy. Oral presentation.
- La Mantia, Da Silveira Bueno R. “Effetti dei cambiamenti nel paesaggio agroforestale mediterraneo sulla biodiversità”. 56° edition of the Ecology culture course, 22-24 june 2022, at the Centro Studi per l'Ambiente Alpino, San Vito di Cadore (BL) – University of Padova. Oral presentation
- Catania V., Da Silveira Bueno R., la Mantia T., Alduina R., Castaldi S. , Grilli E., Quatrini P. “Diversità batterica di suoli mediterranei soggetti a desertificazione”. BIODIVERSITA’2021. Foggia 7-9 september 2021. Oral presentation.
- Sofia S., Catania V., Da Silveira Bueno R., La Mantia T., Quatrini P. “Interazione fra funghi micorrizici e piante pioniere in ambienti aridi e degradati: il caso di Lampedusa”. Congress of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), Palermo (Italy), 12 – 15 november 2019. Poster.
- Grilli E., M. Bastidas, M. Bijl, S. Carvalho, E. Coppola, T. La Mantia, C.A.R. Machado, M. Mastrocicco, Marzaioli R., F. Pulido, M.J. Roxo, F.A. Rutigliano, P. Quatrini, A. Sarmento, S. Castaldi. “Drivers of soil quality in agro-ecosystems and managed forested lands of Mediterranean areas under increasing climatic risk”. First Joint Meeting SISS-SIPe-SICA on Soil and Plant System Sciences: Natural and Human-induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production. 23-26 September 2019, Bari, Italy. Oral presentation.
- Rutigliano F.A., Grilli E., Marzaioli R., Mastrocicco M., Coppola E., Castaldi S. “Loss of soil organic carbon in areas at desertification risk of Southern Europe”. XXIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia “Capitale Naturale: la Gestione per la Conservazione”. 10-12 September, 2019, Ferrara (Italy). Poster.
- Alessandrino L., Grilli E., Mastrocicco M., Castaldi S. Estimation of the avoided soil loss due to the application of the Desert-Adapt measures. XXIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia “Capitale Naturale: la Gestione per la Conservazione”. 10-12 September, 2019, Ferrara (Italy). Poster.
- Quatrini P., Catania V., Alduina R., Da Silveira Bueno R., Castaldi S, Grilli E. “Key features of bacterial communities in Southern Europe soils vulnerable to desertification”. XXXIII° Congress SIMGBM - Microbiology 2019 - Firenze, 19 - 22 June 2019. Poster.
- Branquinho C., Príncipe A., Serafim J., Rocha B., Köbel M., Matos P., Pinho P., A. Nunes. As florestas e os sistemas agro-silvo-pastoris nas zonas semi-áridas – desafios e oportunidades. 36ª Ovibeja, 24-28 Abril 2019, Beja, Portugal.
Topic related scientific publications of the Desert-Adapt team |
- Badalamenti E., Pasta S., Sala G., Catania V., Quatrini P., La Mantia T., 2020. The paradox of the alien plant Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata (Rose) S. Zárate in Sicily: another threat for the native flora or a valuable resource? International Journal of Plant Biology 2020; volume 11:8637.
- Calì R., Sala G., Pasta S., da Silveira Bueno R., La Mantia T., 2021. Efficacia degli strumenti pianificatori operanti in Sicilia per la tutela del paesaggio e della biodiversità: il caso studio di Lampedusa. Congresso Nazionale SIEP-IALE, 25/27 Novembre 2021, Palermo.
- La Mantia T., 2018. La diversità degli animali domestici nelle isole circumsiciliane: un patrimonio scomparso prima di essere conosciuto. Naturalista Siciliano, XLII (1): 137-147.
- Sala G., Gristina L., La Mantia T., Marra F.P., Caruso T., 2018. Olivicoltura a basso impatto ambientale per contrastare le variazioni climatiche. Agrisicilia, 6: 23-27.
- Pasta S., Clementi G., Genchi M., Crisafulli A., Di Dio V., Scuderi L., Traina G. & La Mantia T., 2022. Distribuzione storica e attuale delle specie del genere Juniperus (Cupressaceae) in Sicilia. Naturalista sicil., S. IV, XLVI (2), 2022, pp. 1-48. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7562240
- Sparacio I., La Mantia T., 2018. New data on Protaetia (Potosia) Opaca (Coleoptera Cetoniidae) from Pantelleria island (Sicilian Channel, Italy). Naturalista sicil., 2: 331-336.
- Sala G., Gristina L., La Mantia T., Marra F.P., Caruso T., 2018. Olivicoltura a basso impatto ambientale per contrastare le variazioni climatiche. Agrisicilia, 6: 23-27.